blasting cap

英 美
  • 火雷管,爆破雷管,起爆筒,起爆雷管,雷管
  • blasting n.爆破;鼓风;喷砂法;气流加速运动;过载动词blast的现在分词形式.
  • cap n.帽子;盖子;顶;上限vt.超过;加盖于;戴帽;覆盖;完成;设限vi.脱帽致意
  1. a small tube filled with detonating substances; used to detonate high explosives

    1. His attempts to find a safe way to handle nitroglycerin resulted in the invention of dynamite and the blasting cap.
    2. We shall start the two blocks from rest at the center point of the track and force them apart by exploding the cap with an electric spark.